SearchMantra Inc. is a full service digital marketing agency that specializes in online marketing & design services, founded in 2011 by experts with over 10 years of experience in Digital Marketing. SearchMantra is an offspring of the collective efforts of the enthusiastic and intellectual developers of various technologies that came together and became the success formula almost a decade ago. We have 8+ years of experience in each respective field. Our in house professionals have been selected from the web marketing, web design, programming, PR and online journalism industries. This breadth of expertise, along with an untiring approach towards up-to-the-minute industry research, has helped position SearchMantra at the forefront of the dynamic sector of online marketing. Our skills, experience and knowledge base enables us to bring together technical and creative solutions for our clients. Being strategists, everything we create, develop, and grow is backed by data-driven insights and a long-term growth strategy. Everything we recommend, design, and develop is done in your best interests keeping your client base and business objectives in mind. Area of Expertise (Services):
Monday 09:00 am - 08:00 pmTuesday 09:00 am - 08:00 pm
Friday 09:00 am - 08:00 pm